Writing history is only possible together
The FRITSCH story would be inconceivable without everyone who wrote it. The company, which Max and Alfred Fritsch founded in 1920 as a two-man company and which had a good dozen employees in the 1950s, now employs around 120 people at its headquarters in Idar-Oberstein and all over the world. Over a period of 100 years, approximately 240 people have worked for FRITSCH, many of them for several generations. They all shape the big FRITSCH family - and we THANK them all!

Represented in 116 countries
With its headquarters in Idar-Oberstein, sales offices in USA, Russia, Singapore and China, two employees in France and nearly 108 trading partners, FRITSCH is represented in all important economic regions. Our customers always have a direct point of contact - for application advice, technical service and individual sample grinding and particle analyses. Uncomplicated and personal.
Here you will find the international FRITSCH presence